Suddaf Chaudry

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Pakistan Government’s Silence over Red Zone Protesters indicates

“Serious intelligence failures mobs can reach the Red Zone area, that is supposedly secure”.

  • How can Pakistan call itself a nuclear state when it cannot protect itself, extremists are entering parliament square, therefore the blame lays on Waziristan, Nawaz Sharif’s administration is not able to administer security for its citizens.

  • If the terror had spread to the diplomatic enclave there would be anarchy.The message sent to the world would be that we are not able to manage the issue of terrorism in this country.

  • The intelligence unit in Pakistan has been aligned with many terrorist factions, therefore the level of besieging that took place over the weekend in Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore is the failure of the administration.  

  • The paralysis of action and thought by political factions is an indication that administrative departments are ignorant of adhering to a national action plan.

  • It has to be coherent with a stable constitution.

  • The cosying up to extremist networks in the past has established a security vacuum which represents an equal opportunity for terrorist networks.

  • There has been concern that Daesh has operations in Punjab, there have been alleged sightings, therefore, complacency and failure from those conducting Zarb Arb Zarb operation.

  • The operation in Punjab has been seen by some as unnecessary 115 rangers have been killed in the line of duty.

  • Debate on Pakistan news channels such as GEO’s ‘Calling Card’ programme whereby commentators and local representatives are increasingly divided in the crackdown in Punjab.

  • The link between extremist rhetorics taught in madrassas has a strong correlation in the spread of extremism in the country.

  • There is a greater threat to religious minorities – the attacks in Lahore towards the Christian community have increased across the nation.

  • Army school attack: the National Action Plan was formed, but since the tragedy in Peshawar, the number of bombings has peaked in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region.

  • Sarwar Ijaz Qadri from din chowk- “the parliament that takes our taxes is not able to govern our safety”, the rhetoric from the extremist cleric that has been to exploit the security vacuum from the government’s inability to address the needs of those from rural communities.

  • The demand from protesters is the release of extremist prisoners , the rearrest of Asia bibi, the death of  Mumtaz Qadri to be considered martyrdom. These demands will most likely not be met by the government and the supporters of Taliban insurgent groups will openly state their extremist rhetoric.