The Most Disputed Corner of The World
As violence escalates between Indian Police and Pro Independence protesters. Is there a question of a new conflict emerging between the warring neighbours. As India and Pakistan blame one another for the violence in Kashmir, the situation remains at an impasse. The only way forward is reform, dialogue, and level-headed policy.
Kashmir Unrest Today
Since the attack, both countries have been accusing each other of the rise in unrest. With such a dramatic backdrop why has the Kashmir question been so dismissed so easily? Can this be attributed to the rivalry between India and Pakistan or is it due to the paucity of international debate?
I spoke to Moazzem a young photographer based in Srinagar, as many of his contemporaries Moazzem is one of the so-called ‘young revolutionaries’. His generation has been strongly affected by the conflict. The Kashmiri rapper MC Kash states in his music that every man is born a ‘rebel’. With Kashmiri youth central to the struggle it’s easy to understand the inspiration behind the lyric. They are in their own words constantly ‘misrepresented by politicians’.
The feud between the warring parties in India and Pakistan has heightened in recent days due to the continued tensions evocatively on display at the G20 summit, United Nations General Assembly and the recent Indian army conducting surgical strikes in Pakistan against alleged terrorist units.
Kashmir has been experienced a rise in violence since the murder of Burhan Wani a separatist leader on 8 July. In the aftermath of the attack, India and Pakistan have blamed one another for causing the unrest.India has accused Pakistan of funding and sheltering terrorist groups.In turn, Pakistan has lambasted India for ignoring human rights abuses by the police force.The indigenous Kashmir cause to the right to self-determination is no longer a quiet revolution, this movement is exasperated by India’s approach and Pakistan’s dismissal.
“Moazzem tells me “The situation here is getting worse. Today two more youths were killed by police firing in the Pulwama district of Jammu And Kashmir.””
People protesting behind the barbed wires placed by Government- Kashmir Dispute
There have been frequent allegations that Indian forces are not held accountable for abuses of power. A September 2015 by Amnesty International documented the level of impunity for atrocities committed in Jammu Kashmir. According to Section 7 of the Armed Forces (Jammu and Kashmir) Special Powers Act, 1990 (AFSPA), grants virtual immunity to members of the security forces from prosecution for alleged human rights violations. Section 7 recently sparked riots due to the Handwara case where a young girl was allegedly assaulted and abused in police custody.
There has been a curfew for 50 days. People have been locked in their homes since the killing of local Hizbul Mujahedeen Commander Burhan Wani. During curfew even ambulances and journalists are not allowed through easily. We have to show our ID cards every 10-20 meters. Many of us have also been beaten by the local police or Indian forces. Indian forces ask us to show curfew passes which have been provided by government officials. We have been stopped from covering events many times.
Allegations of Human Rights Abuses
Zahoor states It is disappointing that Indian security forces have continued to use pellet-firing shotguns in Kashmir despite the severe injuries they have caused to hundreds of people, including to peaceful protesters and bystanders. These weapons are inherently inaccurate and indiscriminate. They always carry the risk of causing serious injury to people who are not engaging in violence.They have no place in law enforcement, and should be prohibited
Therefore, why have the central and state governments applied in what some may call ‘aggressive’ approach?. Amnesty International in India is adamant that central and state governments “must give up their heavy-handed tactics. They must recognize that continuing to use excessive or arbitrary force against protesters is only likely to further exacerbate tensions.
The alienation that many people feel in Kashmir is linked to the human rights violations that have been committed with impunity over many years. The government needs to show that it respects human rights”.
Ending violence like this won’t be possible without first acknowledging the extent of the problem in Kashmir. For this to become reality, however, there is a strong need for systematic reform. Police must be held accountable from first-line supervisors to senior leadership in town and cities right up to the board of constabulary. Only then will it be possible to understand the disproportionate number of civilians killed in the ongoing unrest.
The controversial use of pellet guns has been brought to the forefront since the increase in violence. Pellets guns were used to curb militant violence since the death of Burhan Wani. Indian police forces have stated publically that this is a ‘non lethal weapon’ but the consequences are severe and can maim a person permanently. I spoke with Zahoor Wani, Senior Campaigner, Access To justice Project Amnesty International India about the mobilisation of pellet guns and the injuries caused.
Zahoor stated that 10 people are reported to have been killed by the use of pellet- firing shotguns. Hospitals state that many people injured by pellets bear injuries to their torsos and their heads. According to the J&K Directorate of Health Services Kashmir, the hospitals and health centres in their jurisdiction in the Kashmir valley have treated around 8000 persons in all, including over 4800 persons with pellet injuries.
These include 714 people with eye injuries. The Government Medical College and Associated Hospitals at SMHS Hospital say they have treated over 1900 persons, which include 711 people with pellet injuries. We don't have complete information from other hospitals, including SKIMS, JVC, JLNM Hospital, Gousia Hospital, Bone & Joint Hospital.
Zahoor states that the most controversial finding from Amnesty International research was the continued use of pellet-firing shotguns which are inherently inaccurate and indiscriminate which cause serious damage to those who are not engaging in violent activities.
Question of Conflict Analysis
For Kashmir the main concern is that Pakistan and India will present insufficient analysis on the crisis.Making the path to a resolution unlikely. Kashmir has been missing from the agenda of both governments for years. Recent activity has brought about much-needed discussions, the situation remains fraught.
The imposed curfew has continued for three months restricting the movements of journalists. The closure of Kashmir Reader newspaper by the Jammu and Kashmir government, there is a concern regarding suppression of democratic traditions.
The Indian authorities recent address of Khurram Pervez a prominent Kashmiri human rights defender. Khurram Pervez who was scheduled to board a plane to Geneva to attend the UNHRC to present the case for UN resolutions to be met on the state of Kashmir. Another setback in creating an international dialogue about Kashmir.
Pakistani Position
Pakistan’s response to the current fighting in Kashmir has been criticised by many for its lack of urgency. During his Eid address, Prime Nawaz Sharif stated that he was sending a delegation of 22 ministers on an international tour to highlight the plight of the Kashmiris. Sharif has faced accusations of bias in the formation of the delegation.While the 22 ministers were selected from a number of different parties the majority were from his own party.
The list of delegates has also come under fire for lacking specialist knowledge. The delegation has even been denounced as being closer to tourism than a practical political initiative.Sources state that the preparations for meetings consist of briefing by the foreign office. Delegates are then tasked with promoting a strategy on that basis alone.
Many observers have denounced these briefings as purely symbolic and unlikely to promote a viable solution. Without adequate credentials, parliamentarians are simply not prepared for the task at hand. I learned that Pakistan’s “foreign minister should have addressed the international community ahead of UN General assembly”. However, because of the
mishandling of the delegation, many have criticised this as a missed
Pakistan’s Isolation
General assembly and present the case for Kashmir. Therefore the timing resonated.However, the timing of the attack in Uri presents yet another stumbling block for Pakistan’s government.The Kashmiri cause has now been tainted by the alleged terrorism committed by Pakistani militants act of terrorism.
There is a concern that no matter how aggressively Nawaz Sharif postured at UNGA, the narrative may not be strong enough to counter Uri attack. A number of lawmakers in the United States expressed solidarity with the Indian government against the threat of terrorism, and for ‘enhanced cooperation between the US and India.
The American government blocked $3 million in concessional military aid due to Pakistan’s failure in reigning in terror emanating from inside its own territory.
The Pentagon has added Jamaat-ur-Ahrar to its global terrorist list criticising Pakistan’s abilities in reducing the militant group’s activities. This aligned with Pakistan’s congeniality with neighbouring China leaves Pakistan at a crossroad. Pakistan must make a choice either it rises to the task of combating homegrown terrorism or be prepared for further exclusion. Pakistan needs to evaluate its position as Indian government shores up support from Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
Whether its Pakistani non-state actors taking advantage of the situation at L.O.C or Indian based militants seeking retribution. The central issue surrounding the Uri attack is the information void from both sides.
It was only a year ago that a very short lived bonhomie between Modi and Sharif was conceived in Lahore, Modi was welcomed at the airport by Jammu Kashmir Chief Minister Mufti Mohammed Sayeed. This visit was a very short-lived attempt at forging a stronger bond between the neighbours. One year on the hope of establishing stability in the region has diminished. Could recent tensions be the basis for Pakistan becoming a pariah on the international stage?.
Questions of national security continue to influence the course of the crisis. On Sunday 18th September an attack at Uri military base killed 18 soldiers and injured a dozen others, was allegedly orchestrated by four Pakistani militants.
However, the mountainous terrain along the L.O.C is very hard to control non state militant groups operate in the area which is conducive to exploitation.militarised. The Uri attack represents a very hostile diplomatic future for both countries. Questions have been raised about how terrorists were able to infiltrate the base along the line of control which is a heavily
There is little respect for the military patrol by militant groups who do not bear the responsibility for the fallout when violence escalates. The headlines after the Uri attack in India represented a call for direct action by the Modi administration’ which presents a precarious security situation as the alleged group in question Jaish e Mohammad who is based in Pakistan.
The Uri attack was significant for the Pakistani’s, it undermined Pakistan’s authority on the international stage. Nawaz Sharif was due to address the
I received last Friday a letter from the Government of Pakistan formally inviting an OHCHR team to the Pakistani side of the line of control, but in tandem with a mission to the Indian side. I have yet to receive a formal letter from the Government of India.
The Indian Motion Pictures Producers Association issued a press release stating “not to work with any artists, singers or technicians from Pakistan until the situation of hostilities between India and Pakistan subsides”.
I discussed the Indian position on the current unrest with Gautham Navlakha from the People’s Union for Democratic Rights. Navlakha describes silence from Indian civil society as resulting from a combination of factors. Gautham “a combination of disquiet because there is a political stalemate, the military suppression continues there is a hawkish line, which is the dominant official line everything has to be subjugated and the people have to be put in their place. Once you include Pakistan into this whole thing (Kashmir Unrest) you add a national security dimension so even the liberal and democratic elements become mute”.
UN has reiterated the requirement of unconditional access from both sides. The delay by the Indian contingent raises the doubts on how much India is interested in addressing their outstanding issues with Pakistan.
The resulting tensions were not just limited to the L.O.C, the arts and entertainment industries were also affected. A number of Pakistani actors reportedly forced to return home from India after being ‘ordered to leave within 48 hours’ by the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) party. There is a concern that the rise of jingoistic tendencies have created a milieu whereby society is now experiencing cultural terrorism. If the realpolitik is harnessed by extremist parties in India, it could lead to a major threat to self-determination. The actors or directors that spoke in support of Pakistani talent working in India, were forced to retract their statements.
Prolific in their steps to document the violence via social media. However, if they lose focus due to the rise in human right violations they may resort to militant aggression. The conditions of curfew alongside challenges of unemployment are weighing heavily due to the lack of investment in the valley.
The right to self-determination for Kashmir is an embattled nexus between people and political power. Recent events have made it clear political dialogue may not be the solution. It's time that India and Pakistan to change its policy on Kashmir. Currently, this foray of regional power play represents only diplomatic failures, therefore, India and Pakistan need to fully comprehend what they are heading towards. Kashmir is not a new challenge for these two nations, however, what it means for peace in the continent is.
As India and Pakistan clash, the violence in Kashmir shows no sign of ending.The last time I contacted Moazzem about the conditions in Srinagar he took time to respond. The situation was worse saying that he and another photojournalist had been injured whilst covering demonstrations. As the number of confrontations between civilians and police increase, the need for level-headed policy is imperative.
With both India and Pakistan in possession of nuclear weapons, there is a significant threat tension may escalate. The conflict could very well trigger a strike back on one of the most disputed corners of the world. If this is the outcome Kashmir cause will remain at an impasse. Unfortunately, censorship and lack of understanding continue to obscure the roots of the recent dissent.
However, one area has altered in this dissension, the Kashmir youth are organised and more determined to participate in the coordinated