No More Lies


Degrees Of Abuse

A bad date, a murdered wife and a PhD student.
In our latest podcast, the I-Unit reveals how several women had a relationship with the same man and what happened when they complained about him to Glasgow University.


Degrees of Abuse: ‘He had deliberately obscured who he was’

The PhD student at Glasgow University was charismatic and charming and part of his appeal was his tragic past. But his relationships with several women became abusive and controlling.  As our investigation dug deeper into his history in his home country, we uncovered his lies and the real story of his murdered wife.

*Please note some listeners may find these accounts upsetting. 

Degrees of Abuse: ‘He lies to avoid accountability

More incredible revelations about how a PhD student at Glasgow University lied about his dead wife and falsely accused innocent people of killing her.  Question is, why has it taken almost four years for Glasgow University to investigate multiple complaints about him?

*Please note some listeners may find these accounts upsetting. 


Escape from the Taliban: Dispatches


Those left behind in Kabul by Britain include students, interpreters and a Glasgow cabbie