Panellist | Featured In

Colin Murray : Talks on Afghanistan
Channel 4 : Isis-K has found recruiting ground in Afghanistan, says journalist

CNN - Live Coverge in Kabul

Taking Apart Terror
ITV News : What kind of rule will the Taliban impose on the Afghans

Instagram Live : Afghan Woman Back Under The Burqa?

Times Radio : Kabul Airport has been hit by rockets.

Times Radio Live | John Pienaar & Suddaf Chaudry | Kabul airport explosion

Times Radio Live | Callum McDonald & Suddaf Chaudry | Everything in my room shook.

Colin Murray continues 5 Live's conversation on Afghanistan

Frosty Neighbours? Unpacking Narratives of Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations

Does corona virus show humanity at its best?

Pakistan’s Fight Against COVID-19: Analysing Delivery Deficiencies

Pakistan's Shia mercenaries return from Syria, posing a security threat

MEK is key component of anti-Iran policy

The United States’ Soft War with Iran

Censorship in Pakistan

These Pakistani Women Are Voting For The First Time And People Are Celebrating